FIJI   Pig Dinner-Homecoming
University of Michigan
Saturday, October 8, 2005  AT   707


Actually call that friend you've been meaning to re-connect with and plan a reunion!

Actually call those friends you've been meaning to re-connect with and plan a reunion!

Check the FIJI Website ( for the latest info on classmates.

See the newly remodeled old house and meet the new actives and pledges.
Come on--you know you've been putting off attending one of these things.                                 Check the  FIJI Website ( for the latest info on classmates.  See the  plans for  remodeling the house  and meet the new actives. Check out the decorating the new actives have done in the new addition. Forty-five alums attended Pig Dinner 2002. Let's top that!           Michigan FIJI Alums are second to none!
Wildcat would want you to attend!
SCHEDULEFriday evening
7 PM - Informal social hour at 707. Card players bring money!

10  AM  PreGame Brunch at 707. Take a house tour while you're here.
1  PM Minnesota Game
6 PM   Cocktails  at 707
7 PM   Pig Dinner  at 707

*  Pig Dinner - prepared by Catering by Emily
*  Pig Dinner -prepared by Mary Hollinger, new cook for the house.*  A Block of tickets has been reserved in the alumni section for the Minnesota game. Use  RSVP form below to order.  Tickets can be picked up from Chris Parker Friday evening  or Saturday morning at the house.
* A few rooms have been reserved at the Days Inn at 734 971 0700. Please call
3 weeks in advance. Reference Chris Parker or Phi Gamma Delta
For more information contact Chris Parker   513 232 4068    E-mail

Pig Dinner RSVP Form                         Detach and Mail  -  Return by  September 30.

Name   ____________________________________________________ Graduation year______

I will attend           Event                        Price                                            Amount Enclosed
________          Friday Social
________          Saturday Brunch     $18 per person
________          Football Game        $54 per ticket
________          Pig Dinner               $50 per dinner
Total Enclosed ___________
Make check payable to: Chris Parker-Pig Dinner
Mail to: Chris Parker 7666 State Rd Cincinnati Ohio 45255

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