Alpha Phi Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta

Dear Brothers:

We invite you all to the 2011-12 Frank B. Norris Pig Dinner to be held on Saturday, April 14, 2012. Please join your fellow brothers and house actives to reconnect with old friends, make new friends and enjoy the fellowship of our great fraternity.

Social hour will start at 6:00 pm with dinner beginning around 7:00 pm. For those that may be interested, the U of M Spring Football game will be held the same day at Michigan Stadium.

The keynote speaker for the evening is our own Jack Hood Vaughn '43. You will have an enjoyable Fiji time. Please respond with the form below to:
Phi Gamma Delta
Attn: Kevin Kennett
707 Oxford
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2638

Alumni involvement is critical to the success of our fraternity and your participation is appreciated. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 989-295-2927 or

Kevin Kennett, '78


Name _________________________________________________________________


Email address ___________________________________________________________

Phone _________________________________      Graduation Year________________

_____________ # attending dinner @ $60/person

Please make check payable to "Phi Gamma Delta".
Mail form to: Kevin Kennett, Phi Gamma Delta, 707 Oxford, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

"Not for College Days Alone"

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